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Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

Do you have a website and not sure if it is mobile friendly? Google has a tool where you can check to see if it is infact mobile friendly.

Go to Google’s Mobile Friendly Test and check to see if your website is mobile friendly.

Why Do I Need a Mobile Friendly Website?

In today’s society, there are users who user their smartphone devices more in everyday life for a range of different activities so it is important to accommodate for these types of users.

One of the main reasons is because Google may penalise you forcing your Search Ranking to go down if you don’t have a mobile friendly website. Why this this? It is because there are many websites still active that use certain web features such as content, imagery etc that do not work 100% on mobile devices.

So when you’re asked, “Do I need a mobile friendly website?” the answer should be “yes.” It will help your organic (SEO) Search Results.